(Ghadam Bekheir ma^dar bozorg-e’ man bood) A Collection of Short Stories By Yousef Alikhani
“Ghadam Bekheir was my grandmother” , the first collection of short stories by Yousef Alikhani, includes twelve short stories entitled Margee Na^ra (The Call of Death), Kheirollah Kheirollah, Rana^, Ye’ Leng (One-Legged), Mazartee ( Huanted), A^n ke dast teka^n meedad zan nabood (The one who was waving hand was not a woman), Kafta^l Paree (The Old Woman), Meelaki Ma^r (The Meelaki Snake), Samakha^ye’ Siahkooh-e’ Meelak ( The Genies of Siahkooh- Meelak), Ghadam Bekheir ma^dar bozorg-e man boo (Ghadam Bekheir was my grandmother), Kafani (Shroud) and Karna (The Horn).
Creating an illusionary imaginative village called “Meelak”, Alikhani narrates the story of lonely men and women who are entangled in their net of beliefs and traditions.
According to critics, in addition to their literary and anthropological values, these stories open a mythological world to the reader. Women and death are the main motif in most of the strange and fantastically unusual stories of this collection.
“Ghadam Bekhier was my grandmother” was shortlisted for Book of the Year Award of the Islamic Republic of Iran and won the Special Prize of the 16th International Festival of Village.